
Keep track of rare or vintage cars, using a comprehensive database of over 68,000 cars!

CarSpotter is a free iOS app I designed and developed at Veloce Publishing in an attempt to create something that provided value to both the end user and the company without charging an upfront cost.

In CarSpotter, users are able to leverage a substantial database of cars, dating as far back as the Peugeot Type 1 in 1866 and as up-to-date as the most recent Teslas. When they see an unusual or rare car on the street, the app is designed to allow them to quickly and easily log the details of the car, along with photos, location, and any supplemental information they might want to provide. The app then rewards the users with points based on the age and ‘prestige’ of the manufacturer.

In order to provide value to Veloce Publishing, a second part of the app was developed – cureated lists. These were lists of specific cars that users could try to spot, all centred around a theme. For example, a list was created detailing 32 of the cars featured in the James Bond movies. Alongside these, additional lists were added that were themed around Veloce Publishing titles; there was a list of cars that featured in Veloce’s 2019 publishing line-up, for example. Each of these cars could be tapped on for more information, and provided a direct link to purchase the book in question from the Veloce website along with an image of the book’s front cover.

The car database was developed in such a way that new lists and cars can quickly and easily be added to the app, allowing for continuous updates. The app is available now on iOS.

Tools used:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Xcode
  • Realm Database

Languages employed:

  • Objective-C